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An Evening with Emily Chappell

From the humble beginnings of a Bike messenger to the blood, sweat and tears of ultra-distance cycling; Emily presented her journey, experiences and stories from the road including how she won the 2016 Transcontinental Race and her many other audax adventures across the world. Emily is proven as an exceptional person & athlete and has inspired many including all of us at Alf’s for our future bike rides.

Thanks to Rapha, we were able to randomly select one of our very lucky guests take home a free pair of Rapha Explore Powerweave shoes worth £295!

To be further inspired by Emily, she can be found on social media @emilyofchappell (Instagram) & @emilychappell (twitter), where you can also find Emily’s books.

We would like to thank everyone who bought tickets for the night and look forward to putting on many more events and speakers in the future!

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